Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Have you considered grass-fed yet meat? Here are a few reminder reasons on why to choose grass-fed:
  1. Allows for the animal to consume its traditional diet.  Cattle are not meant to eat grains and similar to humans, we continue to see a negative impact on health when we consume foods that we aren’t designed to eat.   
  3. Grass-fed beef is more nutritious!  Naturally higher in Omega 3 Fatty Acids, Vitamin A, Vitamin E and CLA, and contains less fat per serving. 
  4. All natural---free of antibiotics and hormones. 
  5. Animals are allowed to be animals.  They are allowed to graze the land and are raised using sustainable farming practices versus the alternative of being confined and crammed in feedlots. 
  6. Food Safety benefits.  Because of their environment and quality diet, they are less likely to contract food-borne illnesses. 
  7. It doesn’t taste like grass.
As if these benefits weren’t enough, I often hear from my clients is that it just tastes better!   But for the health of the animal and for the quality of the product, the grass is definitely greener on this side.

Look for the grass-fed marked products (ground beef, rounds and steaks) in your grocery store, or even better, purchase from a local cattle company or farmer that follows these practices.  

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