Thursday, June 13, 2013


With warmer temperatures on the horizon, most of us—like it or not—are shedding many of the layers we’ve been draped in over the last several months. Of course some have an easier time than others maintaining a healthy body weight by eating well and staying active during the winter months. But national surveys continue to suggest that all of us could stand to improve our overall eating habits. Here are no-sweat satisfying and sensible solutions.

Lose a layer. Instead of pouring gobs of oil, butter, or dressing on vegetables and other foods, swap them for a spray bottle and the juice of a lemon. If you spritz or mist olive oil and squeeze lemon juice over your vegetables, you can save hundreds of calories and tons of sodium. Make your own light and flavorful citrus dressing with fresh squeezed lemon, lime, orange or pink grapefruit juice, a dash of extra virgin olive oil, and seasonings like fresh herbs, garlic and spices.

Redo your wrap. Replace your usual flour tortilla wrap with one made with lettuce. Use collard greens and iceberg lettuce in place of flour tortillas, wraps, and buns for sandwiches and burgers. You can fill the wraps with sprouts, avocado, cucumbers and other high fiber fillings to create a healthier lunch.

Make a snack swap. Replace snacks like pretzels, chips and other processed, salty and calorie-laden snacks for pistachios. They are known as ‘skinny nuts’ because they’re a good source of both filling protein and fiber. They are 100 calories; you can have about 30 pistachios—twice the amount you’d find for most other nuts. An added bonus is that as their shells pile up, they serve as a visual cue and make you aware of how much you’ve had.

Start your meal with an appetizer. Just as a cement speed bump slows your car, an edible speed bump slows your eating. Eat a bowl of broth-based soup, an apple, or a handful of sliced veggies and spicy salsa.

Just grill it. Think ‘Fruit and Frozen’ this summer while satisfying a sweet tooth. Fruit is nature's dessert, and when brushed with a touch of olive oil and grilled, it yields a sweet, caramelized pie crust needed. Two perfect fruits to grill are large pineapple wedges or halved peaches. Grill them until they’re slightly softened, and toss with a splash of fresh orange juice and chopped fresh mint.

Homemade ‘ice cream’. Swap sugar-laden, high fat ice cream for banana "soft serve," which is made with a frozen banana, so you'll get a cold, creamy delicious treat! 

Skip the chips. When it comes to guacamole and chips, it's tough to stop after just one bite. Try this version for a more satisfying snack. Edamame adds filling protein to the mix and fills you up with health fiber.

Greasy potato chips provide very little nutritional value and damage to your waist line. Instead of mindless munching on those dangerous options, make kale chips. They might sound strange but, they're delicious! Spritz kale leaves with olive oil and a sprinkle of salt. Toss them in the oven until they are crisp, about 10-15 minutes. Store in an air tight container.

Skinny cocktails. As you know, frozen cocktails are packed with sugar, so lighten up with this "skinny" version. It calls for coconut water and fresh pineapple juice, so you'll get some added nutrients in your diet while not missing out on any delicious fun.

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