Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Some people think fruit doesn't "count" when it comes to weight loss. It's good for you, filling, and smarter than a lot of other snack choices. But of course, fruit isn't calorie-free... and if you're consuming a lot of it, those calories definitely add up.

The only time you should even think about considering fruit a freebie-ish food is when it's in its natural state. Once it's blended, dehydrated, baked, etc., it's almost like it becomes a whole different type of food. Think of it this way: You probably wouldn't sit down and eat six whole apples in a row, but you might eat an entire bag of apple chips at once. And it's unlikely you'd eat three bananas back to back, but you might eat an ice-cream-like dessert made from three bananas in one shot. (Each banana doesn't yield very much of the pureed/frozen stuff!) Also, don't forget about the other ingredients that go into smoothies and other fruity treats: milk, juice, yogurt, sweeteners, etc. It's easy to overlook those things when what you're eating is mostly made up of fruit, but they can add a significant amount of calories.

So other than fresh fruit, what are your best options? If you're going to use canned fruit, choose the type that's packed in juice (or water); then drain it. For frozen fruit, it's super important to make sure it's unsweetened. It might not say "no sugar added" on the package, so flip over the bag and check the ingredients list. It should be JUST FRUIT; nothing else. Syrup, fructose, cane juice, or sugar can double the calorie count.

The bottom line? As with anything else, moderation is key. And sometimes turning fruit into something else -- like blended drinks or frozen desserts -- can make it more difficult to stick to moderate amounts. It's all about setting yourself up for success with your weight loss. If you're having a hard time losing weight when you're not counting those fruity drinks and desserts, you might want to give this advice a try.

Courtesy of Hungry Girl

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