Thursday, December 8, 2011


Childhood holiday anticipations often turn to stressful dread for adults. Here are 10 tips to avoid "crazy" this season:

1. Make a List. Write down the celebrations, events and gift giving you've planned and create a timeline to accomplish the goals.

2. Start New Traditions. Stop the stressful activities that were no fun last year and begin new ones that make you smile.

3. Delegate. You don't have to do everything. Cross off what others fail to do.

4. Get Real. Forget those Hallmark card and "It's a Wonderful Life" movie gatherings. Accept that family discord happens.

5. Enjoy "Me" Time. Every single day should have at least 30-minutes for you to just relax and reflect on what you are grateful for that day.

6. Breathe. First exhale through your mouth. Inhale to the count of four through your nose and hold for the count of seven. Then exhale completely through your mouth to the count of eight. Repeat.

7. Shop Online. You'll save time, use less energy, conserve gas and compare prices easily.

8. Don't Be a Wrap-Aholic. With so many quick and simple packaging alternatives available these days, staying up all night to wrap gifts is pointless. Get your gifts wrapped at your favorite department store, hire your best friend's baby sitter to do the job, or simply slip presents into various fun, festive bags.

9. Exercise. Those endomorphs you release at the gym or even a stroll around the block are Mother Nature's coping gift.

10. Let It Go. Pick a point, like 3 p.m. the day before Christmas Eve, when you say, "I'm done. Good job." and you just enjoy the rest of the holiday.

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