Thursday, September 15, 2011


Is Weekend Eating Destroying Your Diet?

Crammed with barbecues, family functions, and cocktail hours, weekends can be healthy-eating minefields. Avoid the most common pitfalls with these tips.

Eating Problem All your social events revolve around food.
Why It Happens With so many tempting items within reach all weekend long, it seems impossible to avoid blowing your diet.
Rescue Remedy You don't have to stay home, choose between parties or turn down every single bite. Before you leave the house, have a small, protein-rich snack (to prevent that "I'm starving" feeling). At the party, look at everything that's being offered first, then zero in on a few items that look too good to pass up and just have those.

Eating Problem Grazing all weekend long.
Why It Happens
Without a structured schedule, you grab whatever food is within easy reach.
Rescue Remedy Take 15 minutes midday Friday to review your weekend plans; identify any potential trouble spots (e.g., you're attending a backyard barbecue on Sunday) so you can schedule your meal and snack times around them. By imposing some guidelines, you cut the chances that you'll nibble mindlessly.

Eating Problem After a very long week you are so ready to kick off your long weekend with a big bowl of triple-fudge ice cream.
Why It Happens You're craving comfort, not food.
Rescue Remedy Brainstorm non-food ways to soothe yourself, like meeting a friend for a walk in the park or getting a pedicure while you finish up a good book.

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