- Do you
ever get discouraged about your weight loss progress?
- Do you worry your efforts
aren’t good enough?
If you lose sight of the steps you’re actually taking, this
simple and powerful tool can help bolster your confidence. Keep track of your
progress with a success journal so you remain committed and positive when
self-doubt gets in the way.
What is
a Success Journal?
success journal is a daily recording of all the steps you've taken to treat
yourself with love and respect. Permanent weight loss isn't just about the food
you eat. It's about how you treat yourself on all levels. Recording these
positive steps helps you stay connected with your overall progress. You simply
take a moment to reflect as you answer this question:
did I do today to take good care of my mind, body and spirit?
“I took
the stairs instead of the elevator at work. I’m happy I did that.”
“I ate
way too many cookies after lunch but I didn’t beat myself up. I let it go.”
“I took
"me" time and read passages from an inspirational book. It relaxed
positive step you take brings you closer to reaching your goal weight.
Recording even seemingly small steps, like parking away from the store entrance
so you walk farther, helps you appreciate all your efforts and validates your
progress. Ultimately, those small steps become new habits and create permanent
lifestyle change.
Success Journal Improves your Mindset
psychology research emphasizes the value of acknowledging steps you take toward
reaching a goal. When you routinely make a point of noticing, and appreciating,
the positive changes you’re making, you begin to reprogram your mind. Your
attention shifts away from looking only at what’s “not working” to more easily
notice what’s going well.
You see
what you look for. If you doubt you’ll reach your weight loss goal, you’ll find
evidence that you’re not making progress. You may undervalue the positive steps
you’re actually making.
Recording daily successes helps you notice those steps.
a success journal isn’t just a “feel good” exercise, although it will help you
feel good. It works because you train your mind and brain to scan your
experiences and find the healthy choices you’re making. Your memory becomes
imprinted with images of taking good care of yourself. This gives you strength.
are three ways using a success journal can support your weight loss journey:
Build Confidence
you record your successes, you honor their importance and you honor you. It's
great to hear positive feedback from others, but the greatest confidence
builder is being your own best cheerleader. Keeping a success journal helps you
do that.
2. Feel
your successes keeps you emotionally connected to them. As you write each entry
in your success journal, take a moment to praise yourself. This is important
because the good feelings you have about your actions inspire you to keep
moving forward.
3. Stay
on Track
If you
feel discouraged, a success journal can lift your spirits. For instance,
reading past entries reminds you of all your successes and what you’re capable
of. This helps you renew your commitment to living a healthy lifestyle. Or,
simply writing an affirmation such as, “I am patient and gentle with myself as
I release weight with confidence and love” may be all you need to soothe your
spirit and get back on track after a difficult day.
Buy a
beautiful notebook. Set aside a few moments each day to record at least three
positive steps you took to nourish your mind, body and spirit. If this feels
daunting, remember this includes even those small but important things you tend
to overlook.
- Did you walk past the candy bowl at the office?
- Did you take a
walk after work? Write it down.
You can write in your success journal any time
of day, but doing it right before bedtime helps you go to sleep in a positive
frame of mind.
your successes builds your self-worth and strengthens your determination. Your
improved mindset supports you to keep moving forward as you release weight with
pride and confidence.